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Saving Private Ryan (Der Soldat James Ryan): Zusammen­fassung

562 Wörter / ~1 Seite sternsternsternstern_0.75stern_0.3 Autor Clemens R. im Feb. 2012


Universität, Schule

BORG Bad RAdkersburg

Note, Lehrer, Jahr

2004, Mag. Oberascher

Autor / Copyright
Clemens R. ©
Preis 3.10
Format: pdf
Größe: 0.06 Mb
Ohne Kopierschutz
ID# 15067

Saving Private Ryan

Saving Private Ryan is written by Max Allan Collins who is known as one of the best crime- and war-novel writers. 1999, the Academy Award winner Steven Spielberg used the story to make one of the most famous anti-war movies in history.

The story is about a private named James Francis Ryan and a squad of American GIs whose orders are to find him in France and bring him back home. The story begins at OmahaBeach, where Captain John Miller and his squad had to reach the shore and occupy the German’s bunker.

After an American victory associated with a high number of human casualties Captain Miller is ordered to form a squad and rescue a paratrooper named Ryan, whose three brothers got killed in action. During the march threw the enemy territory they meet a lot of German soldiers and some of their own fellows who can need their help.

But the longer they walk the more they think about their mission and if it’s right to risk 8 men’s lives to save one soldier without knowing that he is still alive. After several more or less heavy fights and two killed soldiers in their squad they can find Private Ryan, who’s not willing to go back with them because he cares of his men in his division and even says that those men are his only brothers he still has.

Because of Ryan’s will and the lack of soldiers in the paratrooper-squad Captain Miller and his men decide to stay with them to hold the position and defend the attack of an incoming German tank-unit. After a heavy fight causing a high number of casualties .....[Volltext lesen]

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