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Presenta­tion about the band The Beatles in English

629 Wörter / ~1½ Seiten sternsternsternsternstern_0.5 Autor Armin K. im Jul. 2017


Universität, Schule

FES Lahr

Note, Lehrer, Jahr

2, Englisch, 2016

Autor / Copyright
Armin K. ©
Preis 4.70
Format: pdf
Größe: 0.05 Mb
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ID# 66774

Inhalt: Das Referat bietet eine umfas­sende Darstel­lung der Band The Beat­les, inklu­sive ihrer Grün­dung, des Durch­bruchs und der Zeit nach ihrer Tren­nung. Es beleuchtet die indi­vi­du­ellen Beiträge und Lebens­wege der Band­mit­glieder sowie ihre musi­ka­li­schen Errun­gen­schaf­ten. Die Präsen­ta­tion unter­streicht die anhal­tende Bedeu­tung und den Einfluss der Beatles auf die Musik­welt. Zudem werden Rekorde und Auszeich­nungen wie der Stern auf dem Holly­wood Walk of Fame hervor­ge­ho­ben.

The Beatles – Text English

Good morning, my name is .

Today, I want to give a presentation about the band “The Beatles”.

1st I talk about the band: general information and band members.

2nd I continue about the history: the beginning, the breakthrough and the time after their breaking-up

3rd I tell you about their achievements

  1. About the band

The Beatles were a pop group from Liverpool in England.

Their name “Beatle” is not an English word. It’s a mix of the words “Beat” (rythm) and Beetle (insect).

The band existed of four young boys:

  1. John Lennon: He was born on the 9th of October 1940 and died on the 8th of December 1980 in New York, because he was shot by a fan. His instrument was the guitar and he was the lead singer of the band.

  1. Paul McCartney: He was born on the 18th of June 1942. His instrument was the bass guitar and the piano. Nevertheless, he was also singing.

  1. Ringo Starr: His right name is actually, Richard Starkey and he was born on the 7th of July, 1940. He played the drums and also sang like the others.

  1. George Harrison: He was born on the 25th of February 1942 and died on the 29th of November 2001 in Los Angeles on lung cancer. His instrument was the melody guitar and singing.

  • Now I talk about the history:

First “the beginning”

Before the Beatles got famous it took about 5 years.

John Lennon founded at the age of 16 years the school band "The Quarry Men".

The school band performed on garden parties, school events and played music of other famous artists.

During one of these events in 1957 John Lennon met the 15-years old Paul McCartney.

The 14-years old George Harrison joined the band one year later and they changed their name from „The Quarry Men“ to „.....[Volltext lesen]

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  • Achievements

The Beatles sold up to now more than 1.3 Billion recording mediums.

They published 13 albums, 1 TV show and made 5 films: for example the cartoon “Yellow Submarine”.

In 1964 they set a record that is unbroken till now, in taking the first 5 places in the famous US-Charts.

To summarize “The Beatles” are also after their break up, one of the most successful and best known bands in the world.

1998 “The Beatles” have been rewarded with a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

That was my presentation about the band “The Beatles”. Thank you for listening. You can see the references as well below. Do you .....

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