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Nerve by Jean Ryan: An In-Depth Reading Diary Analysis

2.654 Wörter / ~14 Seiten sternsternsternsternstern_0.2 Autor Willi W. im Okt. 2018


Universität, Schule

Gymsanium Lübeck

Note, Lehrer, Jahr

13 Punkte

Autor / Copyright
Willi W. ©
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ID# 76840

Inhalt: Der Autor hat sich auf eine detail­lierte Doku­men­ta­tion seiner Lese­er­fah­rungen mit dem Buch "Nerve" von Jean Ryan konzen­triert. Er beschreibt seine Reak­tionen und Gedanken zu den Hand­lungen der Prot­ago­nistin Vee und anderen Charak­te­ren. Zudem reflek­tiert er über die Heraus­for­de­run­gen, denen Vee gegen­über­steht, und die Entschei­dun­gen, die sie trifft. Der Text scheint als Leit­faden für Leser gedacht zu sein, die tiefer in das Verständnis des Buches eintau­chen möch­ten.
Nerve by Jean Ryan: An In-Depth Reading Diary Analysis
  1. List of contents

1List of contents 1

2My reading diary 3

2.18th March 3

2.29th March 3

2.310th March 3

2.411th March 3

2.514th March 3

2.617th March 4

2.719th March 4

2.823th March 4

2.94th April 4

2.106th April 4

2.1110th April 5

2.1215th April 5

2.1318th April 5

2.1420th April 6

3My 20 interesting vocabulary and phrases 7

4Write a letter to Vee (from the middle of the book) 8

5Write the answer from Vee (at the end of the book) 9

6Society, problem and situation with start and end 10

7Characteristic about Vee 11

8Characteristic about Matthew 12

9Optional task: How realistic is the story? 13

  1. My reading diary

    1. 8th March

Dear diary,

The protagonist ran away from home and drove to the Shenandoah National park, where she was followed by a “watcher”. Then he took a picture of her and in the end of the prologue man grabbed into his other pocket. I am very interested in what happens next and I hope the following chapters will clear up the main confusing situations. I am so sorry that I cannot name the protagonist.

At the moment the protagonist is alive, but maybe the creepy-looking man has a gun in his pocket and only has to take it out, put the barrel on her forehead and to pull the trigger.

    1. 9th March

Dear diary,

Vee spent a long time in the theater, where she did Matthew´s make up and during the breaks, they talked to each other and came across the topic of Nerve and looked at different challenges.At the end of the show he talked to Tommy, the stage designer of Nerve. I'm curious to see if she accepts the challenge.

    1. 10th March

Dear diary,

I was surprised that Vee herself took the initiative to take on the challenge and she could not delete the video. When Tommy drove her home, her parents were already waiting for her, Vee lied to them and went to her room, where she read all the bad comments. How would their friends or Matthew react?

    1. 11th March

Dear diary,

Matthew had seen the video and told it Sydney, and Sidney asked Vee why she had done it. Her friends said that they wanted to help her but Sidney was jealous of Vee, because Sidney had never taken part on Nerve. Vee also got a new challenge from Nerve and as a reward she would get her dream shoes. When she resumed the challenges, I wondered if she was already intoxicated.

    1. 14th March

Dear diary,

My assumptions have confirmed that Vee has fallen into frenzy and In addition, Nerve has control over Vee and has influence over her. Vee won her dream shoes, Sidney got in contact with Vee although she was jealous of her, but she did want to help her. I hope Vee listens to her best friend Sidney and is not influenced by the prizes of the live rounds.

    1. 17th March

Dear diary,

She did not listen to Sidney and accepted the embarrassing challenge of the live rounds. For this, Ian was officially assigned as a partner. Vee’s job was to ask ten people if they had a condom for herand Ian should do the same but only with girls.Did the observers love their last challenge?

    1. 19th March

Dear diary,

The observers loved the last challenge, because again they al.....[Volltext lesen]

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The following chapter showed that she continued to play and the ensuing challenge each individual had to go to a room where bad things happened. At Vee `s place the alleged suicide attack was played out of the car. In addition, the players found seven hand guns in a cabinet. I think that Nerve went so far, because they were children’s. Everyone should have finished the prize round because the fun ceased.

Nevertheless, I am surprised that no one took the incentive, because Vee was the youngest. I’m curious to see if anyone was brave or wanted to stop.

    1. 15th April

Dear diary,

After Vee went through the open door and Mickey tried to stop her, they realized the door was locked. In addition, Nerve showed an introductory video about handguns and Tommy and Sidney wanted to save Vee and were also imprisoned. After all the players were positioned for the challenge where shoots fell. I think it was good that almost everyone there wanted to stop even if it was hardly possible.

I think that Gayle and the other woman were interested in Nerve. If they were, they should have been thrown out forever for what they did and become should have been imprisoned. I am very curious to find out who shot.

    1. 18th April

Dear diary,

The shots were fired by Nerve, and Vee and Ian entered a hole in the glass wall where Vee wanted to flee. When she had done it, she met a guard and she told him that he should help her to flee with her friends. After that Sidney, Ian and she could flee out of the room. Nevertheless, I did not understand the last sentences from Vee to Tommy. I asked myself if he was Nerve`s traitor.

The reason for that was that he had always had Vee observed. So I'm curious, how it continues between Tommy and Vee.

    1. 20th April


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Nevertheless, I have several questions for you: For example, how Sidney or your other friends dealt with the whole situation. I would also be interested in whether the whole reasons for the tasks were only Ian and the prizes. I always have the impression that you seemed to be intoxicated by the prizes.

In my opinion you should not have been playing with your life, because the tasks became more and more dangerous and difficult.You had many great friends who wanted to tell you exactly that what I am saying. So I advised that you to listen more to Tommy’s opinion. I'm also curious how it will continue with you and Ian. In addition, I personally think that Tommy would have been better suited for you because he watched over you and protected you.

If you want to continue the next challenges, I wish you good luck for that.

Best whishes

  1. Write the answer from Vee (at the end of the book)

Dear Sam,

Your letter pleased me, but also inspired me to think about all the bad happenings.

One thing which delighted me was that you meant that, I became rally brave and would not be put down. That’s also my opinion because I became bolder and more self-assured.

In addition, I have also learned that no one needs Nerve to realize one`s dreams. Nevertheless, I have brought my friends into difficult and dangerous situations: (like Sidney and Tommy). This happened as you had said: I could not stop at the end and only had Ian and the awards in my eyes. That's why I should actually have listened to Tommy, but I was suspicious to everyone at that time.

Nevertheless, I am now happy to have met Ian because I love him to have caught the guilty ones. That I can trust him, I realized when he helped me create a website. I would like to show my friends and my parents that I have changed and that they can trust me. I would like to go to school again .....

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I hope that she will continue to advise young people and will bring a contribution to today`s society. In addition, I find it great that she is committed to such a large group.

  1. Characteristic about Vee

Venus is the protagonist of the youth novel Nerve by the author Jeanne Ryan.

According to the book, we have the following information that she has blond hair and hazel-brown eyes.In addition, I assume that she has a rather thin physique, because she has a bra size of 32 A. (In Germany this corresponds to 70 B).

She is a female person, who is 16 years old and she is in the 11th class in a high school. Venus works in her free time as a make-up artist for a theater, where her friends also work. Nevertheless, her parents are very strict with her because she started a suicide attempt five months earlier in their garage. She herself also did not believe in it, and her father also didn’t believe it.

Since she always admires her best girlfriend because of her appearance, I assume that she has little self-esteem. For this reason she has also participated in “Nerve”. She wants to prove to all her friends her courage. Nevertheless, she has been influenced by her friend Ian. She is easily influenced which “Nerve” takes advantage of. Venus has undergone a great development before Nerve and after that: At first she was shy and confided in no one, but after that she bec.....

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From his behavior towards other persons, one realizes that he is a very self-assured and self-confident person. However, he is not a narcissistic person.

I think that Jeanne Ryan should have also brought Matthew back at the end of the book. Therefore, the reader thinks that he is not an important character.

  1. Optional task: How realistic is the story?

In this text I would like to explain whether and why my book Nerve was realistic. First of all, it is important to know that the author, Jeanne Ryan, initially worked in an IT Industry as an inventor for computer games. She also researched the development of youths, after that she began writing. She wrote the book “Nerve” to point out the dangers of the Internet.

This was exactly what was shown in the book, an illegal Internet game. The game offered the players their personal dream prices. That was for Nerve possible because they controlled the players. This caused the players to continue playing. The internet game "Nerve" designed by Jeanne Ryan was the same as these fake winning games only bigger and more dangerous.

It is the same principle; you enter your personal data on the fake page and can be controlled from then on. These pages are mostly visited by young naive people, who are either bullied and actually have less or are hoping for something more.In addition, every teenager nowadays has a mobile phone, which makes it easier for the c.....

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