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Kickboxi­ng Essentia­ls: Techniqu­es, Equipmen­t, and Rules

840 Wörter / ~2½ Seiten sternsternsternsternstern_0.2 Autorin Sonja H. im Jun. 2018
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Universität, Schule

Köln, Realschule

Note, Lehrer, Jahr

1,5, Frau XY, 2015

Autor / Copyright
Sonja H. ©
Format: pdf
Größe: 0.03 Mb
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ID# 75224

Inhalt: Das Handout bietet einen Über­blick über Kick­bo­xen, einschließ­lich der Grund­lagen des Sports, der notwen­digen Ausrüs­tung und der verschie­denen Tech­ni­ken. Es erklärt die physi­schen Anfor­de­rungen wie Flexi­bi­lität und Reak­ti­ons­fä­hig­keit und betont die Bedeu­tung von Diszi­plin und Fair­ness. Der Text unter­scheidet zwischen Selbst­ver­tei­di­gung und Wett­kampf­teil­nahme als Ziele des Trai­nings. Es werden drei Kampf­arten (Semi-, Light- und Full-Cont­act) sowie die entspre­chende Schutz­aus­rüs­tung beschrie­ben. Verschie­dene Schlag- und Tritt­tech­niken werden kurz erläu­tert.

English: Kickboxing


1. What is kickboxing?

2. Equipment

3. Techniques

4. Rules in the battles

1. What is kickboxing?

Kickboxing is an other kind from boxing. For this sport you need physical flexibility, speed and capacity of reaction and you train your confidence, discipline, fairness and courage. This is a good method to keep your body’s fitness. You can choose between two goals in kickboxing. One is that you just learn to defense yourself. The second is to take part on a battle. But you can choose both of them.

At most kickboxing is a composite with self-defense and boxing. It is really important that you learn to defense yourself. That is the reason while it’s a martial arts and a self-defense sport.

One part of the training is to learn the right punches and kicks. In the second part you learn the self-defense techniques and how do you fall right. While when you can’t fall right you might hurt yourself and it could be dangerous when you train for example for a battle.

In kickboxing there are three kinds of battles you can choose: semi-contact, light-contact and full-contact.

Semi-contact: In this battle you must rule the techniques really good and you have to have just a light contact. And the difference between the other battle kinds is that you get your assessment after every hit. Your reaction have to be really speed there. The battle is on a 8 on 8 metre field with a cover ring.

Light-contact: This battle is a little bit harder than semi-contact and a pre tage from full-contact. You make the techniques harder, but not with your full power and you hace to make the techniques with light contact. In this battle you fight in a ring. The difference there is that the battle doesn’t end after one hit and that is the reason why you should protect you. The battle time is about 2 minutes with 2 rounds. The jury assess the battle.

Full-contact: This is the hardest battle of the three because you make the techniques with your full power. So you fight in a ring. The battle time is about 2 minutes with 3 rounds for beginners but for pros there are 10 rounds. For the battle you really need a good tactic und good speed because the round could end after one hit or kick. A round could end after a K.O. or the battle would be assess from the jury.

2. Equipment

For kickboxing you need the right equipment. There are different things you could choose.

For yourself:

Boxing gloves: Everyone who do this sport must have boxing gloves. You protect with them your hands. There are different kinds from boxing gloves because the padding between them is different. You must have this when you train with a partner or when you fight because you can hurt your hands by punches which makes your partner. That is the reason why boxing gloves are upholstered. And you can use them for the training on a boxing bag.

Boxing bandage: You need a bandage for an extra protection for your ankle and you wear it under the boxing gloves. The bandage take the sweat from your hands during the training so the boxing gloves are stay clean.

Kickboxing-pants: For kickboxing you need special pants because when you make kicks you must have enough clearance. The pants must be loose that you have enough clearance. You can choose between long and short kickboxing pants.

Gumshield: You don’t must have a gumshield but you should have it when you take part on battles because punches in the face can be painful and mostly it is duty to wear it on battles. But for the normal training you needn’t it.

Foot-bandage: That’s like the boxing bandage for hands just for foot.

For training:

Lugs: Lugs are hit-pads that you need for the punches and kicks. You or your partner hold this lugs during the other do punches or kicks. There are lugs in different sizes and there are lugs for hands and lugs which look like big pillows. Then lugs are upholstered. Alternative you can use your boxing glove to protect you but lugs are better for the training.

Boxing bag: A punching bag can replace a partner. So you can train alone. The weight of a boxing bag is mostly between 30-50 kilo.

3. Techniques

Jap: This is a punch which is a straight punch. You must use that at first.

Punch: This is the punch which you use after the jap. It’s more powerful because you have more power.

Back fist: At first you must turn yourself and you hit with the backside from your fist.

Side kick: During the side kick your main pillar must be turn in. So you have more stability. You put the other leg up and bend your knee. Than you push your leg out.

Round kick: During the round kick your main pillar must be turn in too. Than you put your other leg up and bend your knee too, but than you hit with your shin.

Front kick: At this you put one leg up and bend your knee. Than you put your leg out.

All techniques are in turned versions too.

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