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How can we protect our environment?

486 Wörter / ~1½ Seiten sternsternsternsternstern_0.2 Autor Leo P. im Dez. 2017


Universität, Schule

Akademisches Gymnasium Linz

Note, Lehrer, Jahr

1, Fürnweger, 2017

Autor / Copyright
Leo P. ©
Preis 3.30
Format: pdf
Größe: 0.02 Mb
Ohne Kopierschutz
ID# 70622

How can we protect our environment?

Our environment is the most precious thing we have on earth. It is our duty to save the environment and not destroy it! Our future generation has also the right to live on a save and beautiful planet.

To my mind each country should make way more strict laws about airpolluting, which is caused by all the companies and industries arround the world. Because of the emmissions, the greenhouse effect increases more and more every day. If we are not doing anything against it perhaps the pols will be melted, to the year 2100. Due to this many cities and areas will be floated.

Such as Venice Amsterdam and Los Angeles.

How can we protect us and how can we protect the earth? For example with those laws for the companies which are blowing hugh amounts of carbon dioxide and other poisonous gases in the air.

We could also stop using plastic bags and other plastic stuff like drinking bottles. Instead of that we could use renewable and reuseable products like biodegradeable bags made out of paper and things like that.

Recycling trash is also a great problem because most of the litter is thrown away into our rivers and oceans. Sadly many marine creatures take those plastic bags for things to eat. Even birds, which are hunting, in the sea mistake this bags for squids. But animals cannot eat plastic and so they al.....[Volltext lesen]

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