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Liste der Lösungen, Klausurtipps, mögliche Prüfungsfragen: Englisch

Foundations of Cultural Theory - Terms and questions for the final test
4.011 Wörter / ~9 Seiten Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz - KFU Terms and ques­ti­ons for the fi­nal test for Foun­da­ti­ons of Cul­tu­ral Theo­ry 1. Code 2. Con­s­truc­tion 3. Dif­fe­rence/Other 4. Dis­cour­se 5. Eth­ni­ci­ty/na­tio­nal­­ity/ima­gi­ned com­mu­ni­ties 6. Gen­re 7. He­gem­o­ny 8. Iden­ti­ty/Self 9. Ideo­lo­gy 10. In­ter-tex­tua­li­ty 11. Know­ledge 12. Myth 13. Power 14. Race 15. Rea­li­ty/fic­tion 16. Re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on 17. Se­mio­tics/se­mio­tic ana­ly­sis 18. Sex/gen­der (mas­cu­li­ni­ty, fe­min­in­i­ty, se­xu­al ori­en­ta­ti­on) 19. Si­gn 20. Spec­ta­cle/vi­si­bi­li­ty/con­sump­ti­on 21. Ste­reo­ty­pe 22. Sub­ject po­si­ti­on/sub­jec­tiv­iza­ti­on 23. Sym­bo­lic power 24. The poe­tics/po­li­tics of ex­hi­bi­ting 25. Re­gime of truth Plea­se do not for­get to men­ti­on the names of tho­se cul­tu­ral theo­rists con­nec­ted wi­th the re­spec­ti­ve con­cepts and sys­tems of thought when you ex­plain the terms and con­cepts (e.g. “he­gem­o­ny” + “Gramsci”;…[mehr anzeigen]
Erläuterung und Erklärung der wichtigsten grammatikalischen Themenbereichen im Englisch
1.675 Wörter / ~9 Seiten Gymnasium Aplenquai Luzern CH G R A M M A R - R E F E R E N C E­ Unit 2 Pre­sent Simp­le Sub­ject + pre­sent Po­si­tiv I work He works Ne­ga­tiv I don’t work He doesn’t work Fra­ge Do you work Does he work Pre­sent Simp­le ver­wen­det man. . für Din­ge die im­mer wahr sind . für Ge­wohn­hei­ten . für Zu­stän­de Ad­verbs of fre­quen­cy 0% -------- 50% -------- 100% Never ra­re­ly not of­ten so­me­ti­mes of­ten usual­ly al­ways Pre­sent Con­ti­nuous Sub­ject + am/is/are + in­fi­ni­ti­ve –ing Po­si­tiv I am working He is working We are working Ne­ga­tiv I am not working He doesn’t working We aren’t working Fra­ge Am I working Is he working Are we working Pre­sent Con­ti­nuous ver­wen­det man. . für Ak­tio­nen die ge­ra­de jetzt pas­sie­ren . für Ak­tio­nen die vor­über­ge­hen Pas­si­ve – Ac­ti­ve Im Ak­tiv zum Pas­siv wird das Sub­jekt mit dem Ob­jekt ver­tauscht: Mr Smith wri­tes the de­li­very no­tes -> The de­li­very no­te­sa­re writ­ten by Mr Smith. Zeit­form…[mehr anzeigen]
History of American literature – Questions
3.920 Wörter / ~24 Seiten Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - LMU Histo­ry of Ame­ri­can li­te­ra­tu­re – Ques­ti­ons Unit 1 1. Who said the fol­lo­wing quo­te: “Ame­ri­ca is a po­em in our eyes: its am­p­le geo­gra­phy dazz­les the ima­gi­na­ti­on, and it will not wait long for me­ters.” Chris­to­pher Co­lum­bus Wil­liam Brad­ford Ralph Wal­do Emer­son An­ne Hut­chin­son 2. By who was the Ame­ri­can dream drea­med in the first in­s­tance? Na­ti­ve Ame­ri­cans Eu­ro­peans Afro-Ame­ri­cans In­di­ans What we­re so-cal­led “in­den­tu­red” ser­vants pro­mi­sed? A bet­ter life in the New World a free pas­sa­ge to Ame­ri­ca A pas­sa­ge back to Eu­ro­pe mo­ney What did the Na­ti­ve Ame­ri­cans think about the ar­ri­val of the white man? That they would bring mo­ney they would teach them their lan­guage and cul­tu­re it was an an­nounce­ment of the apo­ca­lyp­se they want to learn about the cul­tu­re How ma­ny Na­ti­ve Ame­ri­cans we­re the­re? 10 mil­li­on 10 thousand 5 mil­li­on 100 mil­li­on How…[mehr anzeigen]
The wave by Morton Rhue - Antworten zu den Kapitelfragen zum Buch (Ausarbeitung - Lösung)
1.255 Wörter / ~ Seiten AHS Wien The Wa­ve 5B Chap­ter 1 The Wa­ve is ba­sed on an in­ci­dent that took place in a high school histo­ry class in Pa­lo Al­to, Ca­li­for­nia, in 1969. Lau­rie Saun­ders: pret­ty,short brown hair; self-con­fi­dent; po­pu­lar Amy Smith: Lau­rie´s best fri­end; small; thick,cur­ly blon­de hair; smo­ker Da­vid Coll­ins: boy­fri­end of Lau­rie; run­ning­back of the foot­ball team Ro­bert Bil­lings: class lo­ser Ben Ross: histo­ry te­a­cher; brown hair; young Chris­ty Ross: aub­urn hair; Ben´s wi­fe; teach mu­sic and choir at Gor­don High School Bri­an Am­mon: quar­ter­back of the foot­ball team; en­joy get­ting low marks Brad: en­joy tor­men­ting Ro­bert Mr. Gabon­di: French te­a­cher His stu­dents think that he is a good te­a­cher be­cau­se of his in­ten­si­ty li­ke the way he is so in­te­res­ted and in­vol­ved in a to­pic. So­me of his fa­cul­ty mem­bers are im­pres­sed of his en­er­gy, de­di­ca­ti­on and crea­ti­vi­ty,…[mehr anzeigen]
Englisch Klausur EF Crossing borders: Bewertungshorizont (Comprehension, Analysis, Comment, Mediation)
1.233 Wörter / ~6 Seiten Bertolt-Brecht-Gesamtschule, Bonn EF 2018/19 Eng­lisch GK (KOLL) Exam No.1 Part A 1. Re­a­ding com­pre­hen­si­on (8P) Sum­ma­ri­se the in­for­ma­ti­on Kris­ti­na Bel­lach’s pro­vi­des in her re­port about her year as an au pair in Gre­at Bri­tain. 2. Ana­ly­sis (10P) Wri­te an ana­ly­sis of Kris­ti­na’s re­port. Think about the­se points: Why iSt wants Kris­ti­na’s re­port on its web si­de How Kris­ti­na wri­tes the re­port in or­der to put across her ide­as(and help iSt). The pro­ba­ble rea­ders…[mehr anzeigen]

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