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Liste der Fachbereichsarbeiten: Englisch

The Hippie Movement: The impact on society from the sixties to the present
4.960 Wörter / ~17 Seiten St. Pius Gymnasium Coesfeld The Hip­pie Mo­ve­ment The im­pact on so­cie­ty from the six­ties to the pre­sent Con­tent: 1. In­tro­duc­tion 2. The 1950s and ear­ly ´60s in Ame­ri­ca Si­tua­ti­on af­ter WWII – Ever­y­thing keeps get­ting bet­ter 3. The Hip­pie Mo­ve­ment – A new way of live 3.1. Fa­shions & Life­styl­es 3.2. Drug sce­ne 3.3. Hip­pies and their mu­sic 3.4. Free Love 4. Im­portant Events du­ring the ´60s 4.1. The Viet­nam War and pro­test mar­ches 4.2. Wood­stock 1969 4.3. Sum­mer of Love 5. The spi­rit still goes on – The im­pact on so­cie­ty 6. Con­clu­si­on 7. Sources In­tro­duc­tion The term “Hip­pie” is as­so­cia­ted wi­th a lot of ste­reo­ty­pes: mas­ses of young peo­p­le gro­wing their hair long, lis­tening to rock mu­sic, do­ing drugs, prac­ti­cing free love, go­ing to va­rious gathe­rings and con­certs, de­mons­t­ra­ting and re­jec­ting the po­pu­lar cul­tu­re of the ear­ly ´60s. In this term pa­per I want to pro­ve if the­se…[mehr anzeigen]
Facharbeit über New York City - English - Places and Buildings
4.037 Wörter / ~24 Seiten Gymnasium Berlin FEG Ber­lin, Stu­fe 11 Fach­ar­beit im Grund­kurs Eng­lisch New York Ci­ty – „the ci­ty that never sleeps“ Kurs­lei­ter: Herr. Mül­ler Be­ar­bei­tungs­zeit: 8 Wo­chen und 2 Ta­ge Ab­ga­be­ter­min: 22. März 2018 Con­tent 1. In­tro­duc­tion.­.-3- 2. Ge­ne­ral facts about New York.­­. .-3- 3. The fi­ve bo­roughs of New York Ci­ty.­­-4- 4. The sights of New York.­­. .-5- 4.1 In­tro­duc­tion. .-5- 4.1.1 Sta­tue of Li­ber­ty.­­.-5- 4.1.2 Em­pire Sta­te Buil­ding.­. .-6- 4.1.3 Times Squa­re.­.-7- 4.1.4 Cen­tral Park.­­. -7- 4.1.5 Ro­cke­fel­ler Cen­ter.­.-8- 4.1.6 Brook­lyn Bridge.­. .-8- 4.1.7 Broad­way (theat­re).­. .-9- 4.1.8 One World Trade Cen­ter.­. -9- 4.1.9 Chi­na­town.­. -10- 4.2.1 Litt­le Ita­ly.­.-11- 4.2.2 Wall Street.­. .-12- 4.2.3 Me­tro­po­li­tan Mu­se­um of Art.­ -12- 4.2.4 Fifth…[mehr anzeigen]
Facharbeit: In how far does texting on social media like whatsapp influence the english academic writing skills within school
2.578 Wörter / ~ Seiten HS-Niederrhein Mönchengladbach Ge­samt­schu­le Glo­bus am Dell­platz Gott­fried-Könz­gen-­­Stra­ße 3 47501 Duis­burg Frau Deut­scher Schul­jahr 2020-2021 2. Halb­jahr, 2. Quar­tal The­ma: In how far does texting on so­cial me­dia li­ke whats­app in­fluence the eng­lish aca­de­mic wri­ting skills wi­thin school Fach­ar­beit in der Jahr­gangs­stu­fe 12 Ver­fas­ser: Fach: Eng­lisch GK In­halts­ver­zeich­nis In­halts­ver­zeich­nis 2 1.In­tro­duc­tion 2 2 Aca­de­mic wri­ting skills 3 2.1 Wri­ting skills 3 2.2 Grammar 4 2.3 Spel­ling 5 2.4 Punc­tua­ti­on 6 3. whats­app mes­sen­ger plat­forms 7 3.1 Whats­app (In­stant mes­sa­ging) 7 4. In­fluence of texting on aca­de­mic wri­ting skills 8 4.1 Ab­bre­via­ti­on 8 4.2 The wri­ters ge­ne­ra­ti­on 9 4.3 Slang Lan­guage (For­mal and In­for­mal) 10 5. Con­clu­si­on 11 6. Li­te­ra­tur­ver­zeichn­­is 12 7. Die Ei­gen­stän­dig­keitse­r­klä­rung 13 1.In­tro­duc­tion One time I text­ed wi­th…[mehr anzeigen]
Facharbeit ”Extremely loud and incredibly close- an appropriate approach to a traumatic experience due to 9/11?“
5.023 Wörter / ~18 Seiten Gymnasium am Neandertal Gym­na­si­um am Ne­an­der­tal Fach­ar­beit Im Leis­tungs­kurs Eng­lisch Schul­jahr 2022/2023 The­ma der Fach­ar­beit The film “Ex­tre­me­ly loud and in­cre­di­bly clo­se” – an ap­pro­pria­te ap­proach to a trau­ma­tic ex­pe­ri­ence due to 9/11? ver­fasst von Leis­tungs­kurs Eng­lisch Lehr­kraft: Frau Lut­ze Ab­ga­be­ter­min: 24.02.2023 Ta­ble of con­tents In­tro­duc­tion 2 2. 9/11- a day in Sep­tem­ber 2+3 The World Trade Cen­ter 3 The cour­se of the tra­ge­dy 4 Re­asons for the at­tack 4 The film “Ex­tre­me­ly loud and in­cre­di­bly clo­se”: Brief sum­ma­ry 5 The si­gni­fi­can­ce of the title 6 Os­kar’s quest, an op­ti­on to cope wi­th a per­so­nal tra­ge­dy? 7+8+9 Gro­wing from child­hood to adult­hood 9+10+11 The por­tra­y­al of 9/11 in the film 12+13+14 The ex­pe­ri­ence of 9/11 in so­cie­ty il­lus­tra­ted in the film 13+14 A dream de­vas­ta­ted? 14 Con­clu­si­on 15 List of sources and li­te­ra­tu­re 16 1.In­tro­duc­tion…[mehr anzeigen]

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