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Liste der Aufsätze: Englisch

Billy Elliot: Relationship between Billy and his father
528 Wörter / ~1 Seite PMS Kreuzlingen Ho­me­Es­say: Bil­ly El­liot­To­pic3­: Re­la­ti­onship bet­ween Bil­ly and his fa­ther Ja­ckie At­the be­gin­ning of the sto­ry the re­la­ti­onship bet­ween Ja­ckie and Bil­ly was not­good. Bil­ly said that his fa­ther was al­ways fight­ing – fight­ing the go­vern­ment,fight­­ing wi­th the bos­ses, fight­ing at home, fight­ing him.Ja­ckie was al­so worried about Bil­ly, he tried to be a good fa­ther but every boy­needs a mo­ther. And he thought that Bil­ly wasn’t an or­di­na­ry boy. Ja­ckie loved­Bil­ly but thought that he was stran­ge, he was dif­fe­rent from other boys. Ja­ckie­was al­so worried about the fu­ture of his son, he didn’t have any­thing to gi­ve­to him, no job, no mo­ther, no fu­ture, just hims­elf. Ja­ckie sent Bil­ly boxin­ge­very Sa­tur­day, he wan­ted that Bil­ly lear­ned to de­fend hims­elf if ne­ces­sa­ry. Bil­ly­didn’t li­ke boxing. Next to whe­re he was boxing so­me girls we­re…[mehr anzeigen]
The Truman Show: Waht is the Relationship between Christoph and Truman
452 Wörter / ~ Seiten Gymnasium Köln ­ The Tru­man Show­Re­la­ti­onsh­ip­bet­ween Chris­tof and Tru­man The re­la­ti­onship of­them is li­ke that one bet­ween god and the hu­mans. In the­be­gin­ning of the mo­vie is writ­ten “[.] Tru­man Bur­bank [.] crea­ted by­Chris­tof”. So the­re is the first in­di­ca­ti­on of such a re­la­ti­onship.T­­he se­cond one is­the names of them: Chris­tof which co­mes from Chris­to­pho­rus who is one of the­Four­teen Ho­ly Hel­pers. Chris­to­pho­rus is re­spon­si­ble for ex­am­p­le for res­cuing­from any dan­ger and storm and he helps every sail­or. The­se th­ree du­ties are the­most im­portant for us. The first one Chris­tof tri­es to ful­fil Tru­man´s who­le­li­fe and that is al­so the re­ason why he has ad­opted Tru­man. The two last du­ties­he does not ful­fil com­ple­te­ly be­cau­se in two si­tua­tions of Tru­man ´s life­Tru­man gets in re­al dan­ger on the sea be­cau­se of Chris­tof.Chris­­tof ga­ve­Tru­man…[mehr anzeigen]
The Discussion Of Marriage In Byron’s Don Juan - “Till Death Do Us Part - Or The Impacts Of The Sun”
1.776 Wörter / ~6 Seiten Universität Duisburg-Essen - UDE “Till De­ath Do Us Part - Or The Im­pacts Of The Sun” The Dis­cus­sion Of Mar­ria­ge In By­ron’s Don Ju­an Love and mar­ria­ge have al­ways be­en cen­tral to­pics in li­te­ra­ry works. Thus, it is not sur­pri­sing that they are al­so do­mi­nant the­mes in By­ron’s works, espe­ci­al­ly in his most pro­mi­nent work, the epic po­em Don Ju­an, in which the rea­der en­coun­ters a ra­ther ne­ga­ti­ve and cy­ni­cal view on the in­sti­tu­ti­on of mar­ria­ge. Ap­p­ly­ing a bio­gra­phi­cal re­a­ding, I will il­lus­tra­te that By­ron ex­pres­ses his own ide­as of love and mar­ria­ge th­rough the voice of his nar­ra­tor(s). This will be­co­me clear by ta­king clo­ser look at Can­to I and III. In the be­gin­ning of Can­to I, the nar­ra­tor in­tro­du­ces a ne­ga­ti­ve ex­am­p­le of a mar­ried cou­ple, na­me­ly that of Don Ju­an’s par­ents, Don Jó­se and his wi­fe Don­na Inez, who we­re un­hap­pi­ly mar­ried. De­scrib­ing their mar­ria­ge, the nar­ra­tor…[mehr anzeigen]
Home Schooling: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents and Educators
896 Wörter / ~2 Seiten Gymnasium Bruck Opi­ni­on es­say about home schoo­ling I would li­ke to be­gin wi­th the ques­ti­on ´´what is ho­me­schoo­ling ?´´ First of all I will men­ti­on so­me facts about home schoo­ling. Home school is a school whe­re a child is edu­ca­ting at home by par­ents and / or te­a­cher and usual­ly do­ne in­si­de the home ra­ther than at pu­blic or pri­va­te schools. Par­ents make the choice to pro­vi­de ele­men­ta­ry , midd­le or high school edu­ca­ti­on to a child. An­o­ther thing to con­sider is that they are ma­ny ty­pes of home schoo­ling . They are struc­tu­red , vir­tu­al on­line , un­schoo­ling, ecle­tic and unit stu­dies. In ad­di­ti­on to that home schools have be­ne­fits for ex­am­p­le Fa­mi­ly ori­en­ta­ted, suc­cess­ra­te , cost , fle­xi­bi­li­ty , cour­se cur­ri­cu­lum , in­fluen­ces and re­li­gious views. Ho­we­ver, the­re are ma­ny dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween home school and pri­va­te & pu­blic schools. In pri­va­te & pu­blic schools…[mehr anzeigen]
Multiethnic Britain: Understanding Cultural Diversity in the UK
490 Wörter / ~1 Seite Universität Leipzig Mul­ti- eth­nic Bri­tain Great­Bri­tain is a coun­try wi­th a big histo­ry. In the 19 cen­tu­ry it had somuch co­lo­nies, that it co­ver­ed over one quar­ter of the who­le world! Now­they all get in­de­pen­dent, but Eng­lish is still a lan­guage that iss­po­ken in a lot of co­lo­nies. So the­re are a lot of peo­p­le who can­speak Eng­lish in a good way. They know that in Gre­at Bri­tain is high­stan­dard of li­ving. So a lot of peo­p­le from the co­lo­nies want to mo­ve­to…[mehr anzeigen]
English Essay about Freedom Riders (Discrimination and racism in the United States)
1.571 Wörter / ~6 Seiten Leibniz Gymnasium Östringen 6 Mrs. Lepp­ke AP Eng­lish, Pe­ri­od 5 13 Fe­bru­ary 2014 Free­dom Ri­ders “We are pre­pared to die,” says Ja­mes Zwerg af­ter a hor­ri­ble at­tack from the Ku Klux Klan. He is one of the bra­ve Free­dom Ri­ders who risk their life to ch­an­ge the world (“Free­dom Ri­des” 4). Schut­z­er’s pho­to “Free­dom Ri­ders” shows two Free­dom Ri­ders tra­ve­ling South to test the Boyn­ton de­cis­i­on wher­eby they cau­sed the Ci­vil Rights Mo­ve­ment. On the left si­de…[mehr anzeigen]
Comment on the Statement: „True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence.“ (F.D. Roosevelt, 1944)
586 Wörter / ~ Seiten Lise-Lotte-Gymnasium, Mannheim „True in­di­vi­du­al free­dom can­not exist­wi­t­hout eco­no­mic se­cu­ri­ty and in­de­pen­dence.“ (F.D. Roo­se­velt, 1944)Time has ch­an­ged but so­me things­ha­vent. One of tho­se things is that True in­di­vi­du­al free­dom­can­not exist wi­t­hout eco­no­mic se­cu­ri­ty and in­de­pen­dence. Thi­sis a state­ment by Frank­lin D. Roo­se­velt who was one of the most­im­portant US pre­si­dents in histo­ry. For so­me ex­plai­ning: Tru­e­in­di­vi­du­al free­dom me­ans…[mehr anzeigen]
Deciding - Wendy Wilder Larsen and Tran Thi Nga. Analysis
2.454 Wörter / ~6 Seiten High School in America, Chewelah Ame­ri­can Li­te­ra­tu­re poet­ry Pe­ri­od: 3 Date: 3-5-13 Es­say: De­ci­ding The po­em “De­ci­ding”, writ­ten by Wen­dy Wil­der Lar­sen and Tran Thi Nga ta­kes place in the ci­ty “Ha­dong”. The ci­ty is in the north-east of Viet­nam. The to­ne in the po­em is sad and op­pres­si­ve. It ch­an­ges for th­ree stanz­as, be­gin­ning at li­ne 21 when the prot­ago­nist starts tal­king about his or her past, the to­ne is get­ting hap­pier and ligh­ter, but it ch­an­ges back…[mehr anzeigen]
Analysis: “Six O’Clock News” by Tom Leonard
601 Wörter / ~ Seiten Berlin Brandenburg International School Kleinmachnow The po­em “Six O’Clock News” which was writ­ten by Tom Leo­nard is about a man that pre­tends to be a BBC news­cas­ter who has a scot­tish iden­ti­ty. He did this to show the eng­lish how me­an they are re­gar­ding the eng­lish ru­le that no scot­tish man is al­lo­wed to be a news­cas­ter. The­r­e­fo­re the aim of the po­et is to show the bi­go­try of the Eng­lish peo­p­le. In the next pa­ra­graphs I will be fol­lo­wing the “Ex­plo­ding a Po­em” gui­de­lines. The Aut­hor…[mehr anzeigen]
How can we protect our environment?
486 Wörter / ~ Seiten Akademisches Gymnasium Linz How­can we pro­tect our en­vi­ron­ment?Our­­en­vi­ron­ment is the most pre­cious thing we have on earth. It is our­du­ty to sa­ve the en­vi­ron­ment and not de­s­troy it! Our fu­ture­ge­ne­ra­ti­on has al­so the right to live on a sa­ve and beau­tiful pla­net.To­my mind each coun­try should make way mo­re strict laws abou­tair­pol­lu­ting­, which is cau­sed by all the com­pa­nies and in­dus­trie­sar­round the world. Be­cau­se of the em­mis­si­ons, the…[mehr anzeigen]
Die Rolle von Curleys Frau in 'Von Mäusen und Menschen'
830 Wörter / ~ Seiten Bad Vilbel ´´of Mice and Men´´ in the Book:´´ of Mice and Men ´´from1989 writ­ten by John Stein­beck the­re is cur­lers wi­fe wich plays a big ro­le by the workers and Cur­ley. she is a good loo­king wo­man wich makes her ex­ten­ded for the other guy´s on the Farm. in my eyes Cur­leys wi­fe is left alo­ne from her man Cur­ley and cur­ley never sup­ports her for­or gi­ves hear strength. Cur­ley´s wi­fe is de­scri­bed as a trou­bled, young wo­man­wi­th full rug­ged…[mehr anzeigen]
Beating Stress Effectively: Insights and Personal Opinion - Youth Magazine
335 Wörter / ~1 Seite HTL Mödling to: youth@ma­ga­zi­­m­from: email­sub­ject:your ar­tic­le about ways of bea­ting stress­Dear­Sirs­,I am­wri­ting to com­ment on the ar­tic­le in your ma­ga­zi­ne last week about“the top ways of bea­ting stress”. I de­fi­ni­te­ly agree on most­ac­tions you have men­tio­ned in your text to re­du­ce stress le­vels, bu­tI want to add one very im­portant point, I think, and gi­ve my per­so­nalo­pi­ni­on.­Icom­ple­te­ly share the idea of mu­sic…[mehr anzeigen]
“How not to be alone“ by Jonathan Safran Foer – Comment: Our society in 25 years
609 Wörter / ~ Seiten Feudenheim- Gymnasium Mannheim, Mannheim “How not to be alo­ne“ by­Jo­na­than Sa­fran Foer–Com­ment: Our so­cie­ty in 25 ye­ars“Tech­nol&sh­yo­gy ce­le­bra­tes­con­nect­­ed­ness, but en­cou­ra­ges retre­at.“In his text „How not to be alo­ne“pu­blished in the “New York Times“ on ju­ne 8 in 2013, Jo­na­t­han­Sa­fran Foer cri­ti­ci­zes the im­pact of mo­dern-day tech­no­lo­gy on our­so­cie­ty.He de­scri­bes how the di­gi­ta­li­sa­ti­on is­the ma­jor fac­tor of a hu­ge com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on pro­blem in our mo­dern…[mehr anzeigen]
To what extent does ISIS exploit the religious alienation of second-generation Muslim immigrants to the UK for online recruitment purposes?
2.190 Wörter / ~13 Seiten Gymnasium Hochrad Hamburg [ CI­TA­TI­ON Pla­ce­hol­der2 \l 2057 ] Fach­ar­beit Leit­fra­ge To what ext­ent does ISIS ex­ploit the re­li­gious ali­en­ati­on of se­cond-ge­ne­ra­ti­on Mus­lim im­mi­grants to the UK for on­line re­cruit­ment pur­po­ses? S2 Fach: So­cial Sci­ence Fach­leh­rer/in: Frau Sas­sin Ab­ga­be­ter­min: 08.06.2018 Con­tents 1. In­tro­duc­tion 1 3. For­eign figh­ters 2 4. Se­cond-ge­ne­ra­ti­on Mus­lim im­mi­grants in the UK 3 5. On­line re­cruit­ment stra­te­gies and…[mehr anzeigen]
Lyrikanalyse Ozymandias von Horace Smith
1.407 Wörter / ~4 Seiten Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München - LMU In dem Ge­dicht „Ozy­man­di­as“ (1818), ver­fasst von Ho­r­ace Smith, pro­phe­zeit der Spre­cher den Ver­fall Lon­dons zu­rück in den Na­tur­zu­stand. Da­für dient der be­reits vor­ge­fal­le­ne Un­ter­gang Ba­by­lons als Vor­la­ge, bei dem der na­tür­li­che Lauf der Zeit für ei­nen Zu­sam­men­bruch der Zi­vi­li­sa­ti­on ge­sorgt hat­te. Bei ge­naue­rer Be­trach­tung las­sen sich meh­re­re Re­fe­renz­punk­te zwi­schen den auf­ge­führ­ten Städ­ten fest­stel­len,…[mehr anzeigen]
Alles um die Indianer in Amerika, Lebensweise, Zukunft, Handeln
2.688 Wörter / ~9 Seiten Gymnasium Dresden Frei­herr-vom-Stein Gym­na­si­um Fach­ar­beit The na­ti­ons of Ame­ri­ca Ver­fas­ser: Kurs: Leis­tungs­kurs Eng­lisch Be­treu­er: Frau An­ders Ab­ga­be­ter­min: 7. De­zem­ber 2021 Ta­ble of con­tents: Pre­face .­.­3 Over­view of the ty­pes of In­di­ans that exis­ted in North Ame­ri­ca.4 The histo­ry of the Ame­ri­can In­di­ans in North Ame­ri­ca .5 Ame­ri­can In­di­ans in North Ame­ri­ca to­day .6 The fu­ture of the Ame­ri­can In­di­ans . .6 What pro­blems…[mehr anzeigen]
Speech by Barack Obama on Climate Change: Analysis of Logical Order, Choice of Words, and Rhetorical Strategies
1.155 Wörter / ~3 Seiten Johannes Kepler Gymnasium Ibbenbüren Ana­ly­ze the speech by Ba­rack Oba­ma on Cli­ma­te Ch­an­ge: Lo­gi­cal Or­der, Choice of Words, and Rhe­to­ri­cal Stra­te­gies The text at hand is an ex­tra­ct of the speech by the for­mer pre­si­dent of the United Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca, Ba­rack Oba­ma, on cli­ma­te ch­an­ge. The speech must first be ana­ly­zed to un­der­stand its si­gni­fi­can­ce and per­sua­si­ve­ness. Oba­mas speech on cli­ma­te ch­an­ge ex­hi­bits an or­ga­ni­zed and lo­gi­cal or­der that al­lows the…[mehr anzeigen]

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