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Fernhochschule SGD - Studiengemeinschaft Darmstadt Einsendeaufgabe LEF03-XS5

Einsendeaufgabe zu LEF03 (LEF03 XS) Lückentext, Übersetzung - SGD Darmstadt
Einsendeaufgabe1.875 Wörter / ~9 Seiten Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­be zu LEF03 (N. -) Die Ar­beit wur­de mit ei­ner 1 be­no­tet! 9.1 Pro­gress test – Lek­ti­on 9 Use eit­her still or yet in the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces. a) The man, who is still on his way, has not tur­ned up yet. b) He has trea­ted you bad­ly; yet he is your brot­her. c) For cen­tu­ries it was one of the most im­portant ci­ties, yet it was never spoilt by in­dus­try. d) I need you still, don’t go yet. e) She is sel­fi­sh and ty­ran­ni­cal; yet I can’t help lo­ving her. f) I don’t know whe­ther he is still sear­ching for her pho­to. . 9.2­ Trans­la­te the­se sen­ten­ces by using eit­her the or a or an whe­re ne­ces­sa­ry. a) Sein Va­ter ist Ta­xi­fah­rer, sein Sohn aber will Elek­tri­ker wer­den. His fa­ther is a ta­xi dri­ver, but his son wants to be­co­me an elec­tri­ci­an. b) Die öf­fent­li­che Mei­nung ist ge­gen die Ge­walt in den Schu­len. Pu­blic opi­ni­on is against vio­lence at schools. c) Der…[mehr anzeigen]
Einsendeaufgabe zu LEF03-XS5 Progress Test/ Englisch Grammatik Nr 9.1 - 12.3
Einsendeaufgabe2.248 Wörter / ~9 Seiten Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­be zu LEF03 9.1 Pro­gress test – Lek­ti­on 9 Use eit­her still or yet in the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces. a) The man, who is still on his way, has not tur­ned up yet. b) He has trea­ted you bad­ly; yet he is your brot­her. c) For cen­tu­ries it was one of the most im­portant ci­ties, yet it was never spoilt by in­dus­try. d) I need you still, don’t go yet. e) She is sel­fi­sh and ty­ran­ni­cal; yet I can’t help lo­ving her. f) I don’t know whe­ther he is still sear­ching for her pho­to. . 9.2 Trans­la­te the­se sen­ten­ces by using eit­her the or a or an whe­re ne­ces­sa­ry. a) Sein Va­ter ist Ta­xi­fah­rer, sein Sohn aber will Elek­tri­ker wer­den. His fa­ther is a ta­xi dri­ver, but his son wants to be­co­me an elec­tro­nics en­gi­neer. b) Die öf­fent­li­che Mei­nung ist ge­gen die Ge­walt in den Schu­len. The pu­blic opi­ni­on is against vio­lence at schools. c) Der Ju­li und der Au­gust sind die be­lieb­tes­ten…[mehr anzeigen]
Einsendeaufgabe ESA LEF03-XS5 The trip to Argentina - Englisch SGD Lösung
Einsendeaufgabe1.825 Wörter / ~8 Seiten Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­be zu LEF03 Stu­di­en-Nr Lehr­gangs-Nr Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­be: LEF03 XS Auf­la­ge: 5 () bit­te sorg­fäl­tig aus. 9.1 Pro­gress test – Lek­ti­on 9 Use eit­her still or yet in the fol­lo­wing sen­ten­ces. a) The man, who is still. on his way, has not tur­ned up yet. b) He has trea­ted you bad­ly; still. he is your brot­her. c) For cen­tu­ries it was one of the most im­portant ci­ties, yet. it was never spoilt by in­dus­try. d) I need you still., don’t go yet. e) She is sel­fi­sh and ty­ran­ni­cal; yet. I can’t help lo­ving her. f) I don’t know whe­ther he is still. sear­ching for her pho­to. . 9.2 Trans­la­te the­se sen­ten­ces by using eit­her the or a or an whe­re ne­ces­sa­ry. a) Sein Va­ter ist Ta­xi­fah­rer, sein Sohn aber will Elek­tri­ker wer­den. His fa­ther is a ta­xid­ri­ver, but his son ants to be­co­me an elec­tri­ci­an. b) Die öf­fent­li­che Mei­nung ist ge­gen die Ge­walt in den Schu­len. The…[mehr anzeigen]

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