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Institut für Lernsysteme - Fernhochschule Hamburg Einsendeaufgabe ENAN-18

Einsendeaufgabe ILS  Englisch ENAN Unit 18
Einsendeaufgabe1.186 Wörter / ~6 Seiten En­An 18 EN­AN 18: Ein­sen­de­auf­ga­ben zu Unit 18 Auf­ga­be A 1. Your col­le­ague is hun­gry but is too bu­sy to go out for lunch. A: Hey Kat­rin, I know this re­al­ly good piz­za place! would you li­ke to co­me wi­th me? B: It’s so nice of you to have thought of me. Un­fort­u­na­te­ly, I don’t think I’ll be ab­le to make it. 2. Your boss wants to talk to you in his / her of­fice. A: Nice to meet you, Mr Brown. Ive got so­me ques­ti­ons about this job. Could you tell me what Ill be re­spon­si­ble of? B: Nice to meet you too Mrs Smith. As a re­cep­tio­nist you will have to check if our cli­ents are hap­py wi­th they stay in our ho­tel. You will make su­re that they have ever­y­thing that they need. You will al­so ans­wer pho­nes. A: Will I have to do ever­y­thing on my own or will I have any hel­pers? B: You will co­ope­ra­te wi­th Mrs Thom­son and Mrs Adams. I ho­pe you will get on well. And Ill make su­re that your du­ties…[mehr anzeigen]
Einsendeaufgabe EnAn-18 Englisch: Passiv und aktiv, kurze Dialoge, deutsche Sehenswürdigkeiten, Verhaltensweisen im eigenen Land
Einsendeaufgabe713 Wörter / ~ Seiten An­dré­Mil­ler, En­An 18Auf­ga­be AA:Should I or­der som­e­food for lunch?B:Yes, this would be fi­ne.A:Woul­d you co­me to my of­fice, plea­se?B:Yes, su­re.A:Can you show me how to co­me to this com­pa­ny?B:Yes, of cour­se.A:Wo­uld you bring me to the air­port, plea­se?B:Ye­ah, su­re.A:Can you pay the ti­cket for me plea­se? I for­got my mo­ney at home.B:Yes, the­re´s no pro­blem.A:W&sh­y­ould you be ab­le to help me to chair the next de­part­ment mee­ting?B:Yes, I will help you.Auf­ga­beB­­To­day­gui­ded tours around the ci­ty are of­fe­red at re­du­ced pri­ces.The­bagg­a­ge must not be left un­at­ten­ded.Kat­ri­n´shand­bag was sto­len.Thi­schu­rch was built in 1648.Ti­ckets­co­uld be bought for the trip when you get on the bus.Ou­rold buil­dings should be sa­ved mo­re.The­pro­gra­m­mes will be­send by An­ge­la when the prin­ters have prin­ted them.Din­ner­wer­e…[mehr anzeigen]

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