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Einsendeaufgabe [LEF01-XS-EA2]

Einsende­aufgabe zu LEF01 - Englisch - Lösung zu den Themen much, many, any und Zeiten

1.945 Wörter / ~10 Seiten sternsternsternsternstern Autor Philipp G. im Okt. 2018


Universität, Schule

Fernhochschule SGD - Studiengemeinschaft Darmstadt

Note, Lehrer, Jahr

1,0, A. Adams, 2017


ILS​/​SGD​/​HFH Abi u.ä.

Autor / Copyright
Philipp G. ©
Preis 7.40
Format: pdf
Größe: 0.07 Mb
Ohne Kopierschutz
ID# 77238

Einsendeaufgabe zu LEF01


Progress test – Lektion 1

Please fill in many or much in the next sentences.

a) He drank his coffee with many lumps of sugar and much milk.

b) There were so many people that I couldn’t see much of the play.

c) How much money did you pay for that basket of apples and how many apples are there in the basket?

d) There was so much traffic on the road that I couldn’t count how many cars we met.

e) At first he asked many questions, but later he didn’t speak very much.

1.2                                   In the following sentences the verbs are written in brackets. It’s up to you to rewrite these sentences and to put the verbs in either the simple present or the continuous present.

a) He never (come) here at this hour of the day, he works then.

He never comes here at this hour of the day, he works then.

b) He (repair) my radio tonight.

He is repairing my radio tonight.

c) She seldom (come) late.

She seldom comes late.

d) That flower is beautiful, but it (smell) not at all.

That flower is beautiful, but .....[Volltext lesen]

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The employees of large international companies either drive thousands of miles in their cars, or they board a modern jet. On board they get everything they need, meals and drinks, magazines and newspapers.

In any case travelling certainly increases our knowledge and widens our horizon.


1.4                                   Please write down the main ideas of the text Travel. Don’t write more than 60 words.

The first idea suggests that people changed their way of travelling in the way that they travel bigger distances and more often than in the middle ages. Moreover the author points out two different types of travellers: businessmen and holiday visitors. In general he claims that travelling holds up great opportunities especially it widens our physical and mental horizon.


2.1  Progress test – Lektion 2

Use some or any or their compounds something, anything etc. in the following sentences.

a) He can’t find his keys .....

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a) When you (come) in I (write) a letter.

When you came in I was writing a letter.

b) We just (have) tea when Paul and Jane (call).

We were just having tea when Paul and Jane called.

c) They (live) in London for five years before they (move) here.

They were living in London for five years before they moved here.

d) When she (be) little, she always (wake up) on Christmas morning.

When she was little, she always woke up on Christmas morning.

e) He (teach) English for two months when he (live) in Germany and (work) as a journalist.

He taught English for two months when he was living in Germany and was working as a journalist.


2.4                                   Rewrite these sentences, using enough to.

a) You are quite clever .....

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b) Wir ließen die Küche streichen.

We got the kitchen painted.


3.1  Progress test – Lektion 3

Change the following sentence into the going to-form.

a) Where will they stay tonight?

Where are they going to stay tonight?

b) That hospital will be rebuilt soon.

That hospital is going to be rebuilt soon.

c) The inspector will ask you a number of questions.

The inspector is going to ask you a number of questions.

d) I’m certain it will cost a great deal of money.

I'm certain it is going to cost a great deal of money.

e) The ballroom will be redecorated next spring.

The ballroom is going to be redecorated next spring.

f) I won’.....

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     2. for a year.

f) They haven’t eaten any meat  1. since the war.

     2. for ages.


3.3                                   Rewrite the following sentences giving the correct form (simple present, continuous present, simple past, continuous past or simple present perfect) of the verbs in brackets.

a) We (not see) her for a long time.

We haven't seen her for a long time.

b) Jane always (work) very hard. She (study) English now; she (not stop) working since 7 o’clock this evening.

Jane always works very hard. She is studying English now; she hasn't stopped working since 7 o'clock this evening.

c) The dogs (bark) because they are hungry now.

The dogs are barking bec.....

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Winter time is mostly cool and snowy but temperature isn't too bad. Finally the weather is not constant the whole year.               

4.1  Progress test – Lektion 4

Put the following sentences in the passive voice and underline the words you changed. Don’t change the tense, please.

a) They make bread out of dough.

Bread is made out of dough (by them).

b) They made this car in Holland.

This car was made in Holland (by them).

c) Somebody has ironed the sheets.

The sheets have been ironed (by somebody).

d) People use milk for making butter and cheese.

Milk is used for making butter and cheese (by people).

e) They punished me for something I hadn’t done.

I was punished for something I hadn't done (by them).

f) People built this hospital last year.

This hospital was built last year (by people).

g) They are painting the kitchen-door.

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