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Einsendeaufgabe [EngA-1B-XX1-A16]

Einsendeaufgabe ILS Englisch: ENGA1b

554 Wörter / ~2½ Seiten sternsternsternsternstern_0.2 Autor Gabriel G. im Jan. 2019


Universität, Schule

Institut für Lernsysteme - Fernhochschule Hamburg

Note, Lehrer, Jahr

Erstellung 2018


ILS​/​SGD​/​HFH Abi u.ä.

Autor / Copyright
Gabriel G. ©
Preis 3.60
Format: pdf
Größe: 0.02 Mb
Ohne Kopierschutz
ID# 79395

Kurzfassung: Die Lösung zur Einsen­de­auf­gabe EngA-1B-XX1-A16 umfasst konkrete Antworten und Erklä­rungen zu Fragen des Crowd­fun­ding, Gram­ma­tik­übun­gen, eine Analyse einer Post­karte, Bedin­gungs­sätze, Passiv­kon­struk­tionen und Vergleiche zwischen Sport­ar­ten. Sie hilft Studie­ren­den, die Inhalte besser zu verstehen und eigene Antworten zu formu­lie­ren. Die Qualität der Lösung ist durch die detail­lierte Ausar­bei­tung und klare Struk­tu­rie­rung hoch.
Einsendeaufgabe ILS Englisch: ENGA1b

Part One


(1) Are you sitting

(2) is

(3) invest

(4) comes

(5) put

(6) have read

(7) thought

(8) will decide

(9) want

(10) needed

(11) made

(12) worked

(13) didn`t earn

(14) found

(15) heard

(16) described

(17) offered

(18) wo.....[Volltext lesen]

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She asked me if I could pick them up at the airport.

Part Four

1. If the team wins the match, they will be the winner of the championship.

2. Margaret could give up her job and get a new one.

3. Unless Bob helps, she will not finish her homework.

4. When the phone rings, the dog will bark.

5. Jack would have bought the table if it had been a bit cheaper.

6. If I were you I would think it over.

Part Five

1. The world record has been broken by the Canadian athlete.

2. Your Homework is being corrected by Ms Harper.

3. Some beautiful presents have been given us from them for our wedding.

4. The papers should .....

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Basketball is also played by hand while football is played by foot.

3. I always get up at 8:00 o`clock in the morning. At first I take a shower. After that I make myself breakfast. My breakfast is usually a cup of coffee and a toast with ham. Then I brush my teeth. Afterwards I collect my school supplies together and start to learn.

4. My last trip was to Catania in Sicily. I was there with my girlfriend. The flight to Italy took about two and a half hours. It was very hot, sometimes up to thirty-seven degrees. Our Hotel was located directly in the city centre. We visited the sights of the city and went swimming in the sea.

5. On Saturday morning I`m having breakfast with my girlfriend. After that, I`ll study until two o`clock. In the afternoon we are invited to a big family celebration. We´re celebrating my girlfriend´s uncle´s birthday. On Sunday, my girlfriend and I are going o.....

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